Wednesday 11th November 2020, 13:00 – 14:00 GMT / 14:00 – 15:00 CET
Presenters: Lasse Gerrits and Sofia Pagliarin
Webinar Overview:
Research methods usually struggle with the complexity of social processes, such as policy processes, and how they play out over time. As commonly acknowledged, the outcome of these processes observed ‘here and now’ is a result of what happened ‘back then’. We therefore need to account for the conditions back in time to explain what is happening now. We present a novel version of Qualitative Comparative Analysis, called Trajectory-based QCA (TJ-QCA). This method compares processes over time to highlight the combinations of conditions that contribute to the outcome.
In the presentation, we will discuss the technique of TJ-QCA as well as the causal reasoning behind the technique. We will use examples from policy evaluation to demonstrate how the technique works. Of course, there will be ample time to ask questions.
Presenter Biographies:
Prof. Dr. Dr. Lasse Gerrits is professor in urban planning at the Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies at the Erasmus University Rotterdam (NL). Dr. Sofia Pagliarin is professor ad interim in political science at the Otto-Friedrich University of Bamberg (DE). They work together in aligning QCA with actual social complexity for the sake of policy and planning research.
How to Join:
This talk will take place via a Zoom Webinar (registration now closed).
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. In case you are unable to attend, a recording of the webinar will be uploaded to our website following the event.
Link to Webinar Recording:
If you were unable to join the webinar, you can watch the session via our YouTube channel below. We are also pleased to be able to share a PDF version of the PowerPoint slides, please click here to view.