7th November 13:00 – 14:00 GMT
Presenter: Abbygail Jaccard, Deputy Director of Public Health Modelling and Technical Lead at UKHF
Webinar Overview:
Over the last decade the UK Health Forum has been developing microsimulation models to estimate the future impact of public health policies targeting both behavioural (e.g. obesity, smoking) and environmental risk factors (e.g. air pollution) on the disease and economic burden to the health system and wider society. The public health policies investigated have ranged from individual level (e.g. a weight management intervention) to population level (e.g. tobacco duty escalator, a 20% sugar-sweetened beverage tax). The UKHF microsimulation model simulates individuals within a synthetic population through time. Each individual within the model has a risk of developing a risk factor related disease, dying from an existing condition or dying from other causes. Abbygail will present the UKHF microsimulation model and highlight key findings which have aimed to support policy change. In addition, she will present related tools which have been developed to enable policy makers to generate evidence at local and national levels.
Presenter Biography:
Abbygail is the Deputy Director of Public Health Modelling and Technical Lead at UKHF. Abbygail manages the technical team within the UKHF, which includes mathematical modellers, analysts and software engineers. Abbygail is responsible for overseeing the development, documentation, and quality assurance of the in-house mathematical microsimulation model and policy tools. Abbygail was awarded a PhD and MRes in Mathematical Modelling of Biological Complexity from the University College London, where she specialised in agent-based modelling of cellular events following a heart attack. She has an MSci in Mathematics from the University of Bristol. Since joining the UKHF she has attended the Concepts of Epidemiology course held at the University of Edinburgh. She has also attended the advanced course in Decision Analytic Modelling Economic Evaluation organised by the University of York. For a European Union funded project Economics of Chronic Diseases (EConDA) she organised and presented a workshop in Portugal. The workshop, which was attended by key stakeholders, demonstrated the use of a tool developed by the UK Health Forum for the evaluation of the impact of interventions and policies on obesity and smoking.
How to Join:
This talk will take part via GoToWebinar – please register for a place via the following link.
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